Thursday, October 4, 2007

Question Time!?!


Here goes.. After trying to source out Question Time from the NSW Govt website through Hansard, and unsure exactly where the section lay as it could not be found on pg 60 as outlined in the contents page but some 12 pages later!? I can't believe this section was so hard to identify and took the skimming of meany pages to uncover, even when using the contents page..

Must say I am really not that keen on the whole Political Side of PR- definitely not my choice of employment within the Public Relations sector! I will however endeavour to do my best!

Quite obviously Question time is just as it implies... a time for questions to be taken to the floor for discussion. I don't however feel that much of what is discussed by the individuals, those chosen to guide our country and whom are awarded the privilege of making decisions that intimately affect our well being behave in a level of professionalism that should be expected!

I think much of the behaviour witnessed in Question Time is that which you would expect to hear or see at a rowdy football game between opposing supporters, not within parliamentary walls. The use of derogatory remarks is astonishing, these members of the senate are highly educated and respected members of the public, not that this is evident through their childish remarks and irrelevant personal comments. I don't feel that refering to members of the opposing bench as "idots" characters such as "Rip Van Winkle" displays model behaviour for individuals so highly regarded.

I however found some comments amusing..
Senator Carr—You’ve got no idea, have you?
You’ve got no idea!
Senator ABETZ—The poor honourable senator, interjecting
as he does, is a senator who allegedly represents
the state of Victoria. The state Labor government
of Victoria has entered into a partnership with the federal
coalition government to develop a solar city in his

Senator COONAN—Finally, it is wonderful that
Rip Van Winkle, Senator Faulkner, has finally woken

Senator ABETZ—I do not know where Senator
Brown has been hiding in recent times,

ABETZ—The arrogant Leader of the Opposition
in the Senate continues his interjections. As
soon as one of his senators gets into trouble we get this
arrogant barrage. What I would say to the senator, who
is actually listening to my answer, unlike you, Senator

Senator Sherry—Look! Eric has sent two of them
to sleep!

The PRESIDENT—Order! Senators on my left, I
cannot hear Senator Fielding’s question. We will not
proceed until the Senate comes to order.
Senator Sherry—Until it wakes up!
The PRESIDENT—Senator Sherry! I will not ask
you again

Many of the issues that arrose are of high priority to the citizens of Australia how ever amongst their banter including, child protection, climate change, renewable energy and workplace relations. I don't feel that the real issues are as thoroughly addressed as they should be, in many occasions instead of resolving issues they create additional ones or sly away from properly answering the question posed!

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